How to Stop a Fire in the Oven: A Comprehensive Guide

Cooking in the oven is a common household activity, but it can also be dangerous if not done properly. Ovens can catch fire due to various reasons, such as overheating, oil spills, or malfunctioning equipment. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to stop a fire in the oven to ensure your safety and that of your home.

How to Stop a Fire in the Oven

How to Stop a Fire in the Oven

Turn Off the Oven

The first step in stopping a fire in the oven is to turn off the oven immediately. This will prevent the fire from spreading and causing further damage.

Turning off the oven is the most critical step in stopping a fire. It cuts off the heat source and can slow down the fire’s progress. You should immediately turn off the oven if you notice flames or smoke coming out of it.

Keep the Oven Door Closed

Keeping the oven door closed will help contain the fire and prevent oxygen from entering, which can fuel the flames. Do not open the oven door until the fire is completely out.

Opening the oven door can cause the flames to spread, which can make the situation worse. Keeping the door closed will contain the fire and prevent it from spreading to other parts of your kitchen.

 Use Baking Soda or Salt

Baking soda and salt are effective in extinguishing small fires in the oven. Sprinkle a generous amount of either substance over the fire to smother the flames.

Baking soda and salt work by producing carbon dioxide gas, which helps to smother the flames. You should avoid using water to put out an oven fire because it can cause the fire to spread and create steam, which can cause serious burns.

Use a Fire Extinguisher

If the fire is large and cannot be controlled using baking soda or salt, use a fire extinguisher instead.

Using a fire extinguisher is a more effective way to put out an oven fire, especially if it’s a larger fire. When using a fire extinguisher, remember to follow the P.A.S.S. method: pull the pin, aim the nozzle at the base of the fire, squeeze the trigger, and sweep from side to side.

Call the Fire Department

If the fire is too big to handle, do not hesitate to call the fire department.

In case you are unable to stop the fire in the oven, don’t hesitate to call the fire department. They are equipped to handle such situations and can prevent the fire from spreading to other parts of your home.

 Do not use water to put out an oven fire

One of the most important things to remember when dealing with an oven fire is to never use water to try and extinguish the flames. This is because water can cause the fire to spread rapidly and also cause an explosion if it comes into contact with hot oil or grease. Instead, use baking soda or a fire extinguisher that is specifically designed for kitchen fires.

Use a lid to smother a small stovetop fire

In case of a small stovetop fire, it’s best to use a lid to cover the pan and smother the flames. Turn off the burner and leave the lid in place until the pan has cooled down. Avoid using water or flour to try and put out the fire as they can make the situation worse.

Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen

It’s important to have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen and to make sure that it’s easily accessible. It’s recommended to use a fire extinguisher that is specifically designed for kitchen fires. Ensure that everyone in the household knows how to use the fire extinguisher in case of an emergency.

Regularly clean your oven and stovetop

Regular cleaning of your oven and stovetop is crucial in preventing fires from starting. Grease and food particles can accumulate over time and become a fire hazard. It’s important to clean up any spills or debris immediately and avoid letting them build up.

Practice fire safety in the kitchen

Practicing fire safety in the kitchen is vital in preventing fires from starting. Always keep an eye on cooking food, avoid leaving it unattended, and keep flammable materials away from the stovetop. Ensure proper ventilation while cooking and avoid wearing loose clothing or dangling jewelry that can catch fire.

Have a fire escape plan

Having a fire escape plan is critical in case of emergencies. Make sure everyone in the household knows the plan and where to meet outside in case of a fire. Practice the fire escape plan regularly to ensure everyone is familiar with it.

Stay calm and act quickly

If a fire starts in your oven or stovetop, it’s important to stay calm and act quickly. Turn off the heat source and cover the flames with a lid or baking soda. If the fire cannot be extinguished, evacuate the house and call the fire department immediately.

Do not attempt to fight a large or spreading fire

If a fire is too large or spreading too quickly, it’s important to evacuate your home and call the fire department immediately. Do not attempt to fight a fire that is beyond your control, as it can be extremely dangerous and put your life at risk.

Seek medical attention if necessary

If anyone in your household is injured during a fire, seek medical attention immediately. Even minor burns can be serious and should be treated by a medical professional. Be prepared to provide first aid if necessary.

Practice fire safety in your home

Apart from the kitchen, it’s important to practice fire safety throughout your home. Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors and check them regularly. Avoid smoking in the house and use caution when using space heaters or candles. Keep flammable materials away from heat sources and follow all safety guidelines provided by manufacturers.


Q: How can I prevent a fire from starting in my oven?

A: You can prevent an oven fire by regularly cleaning your oven, checking the wiring and gas connections, and avoiding leaving the oven unattended while cooking.

Q: Can I use a wet towel to put out an oven fire?

A: No, you should not use a wet towel to put out an oven fire as it can cause the fire to spread and create steam, which can cause serious burns.


In conclusion, knowing how to stop a fire in the oven is an important skill that can help prevent serious damage to your home and keep you and your loved ones safe. By following the steps outlined in this guide, such as turning off the oven, keeping the door closed, and using a fire extinguisher if necessary, you can quickly and effectively stop a fire from spreading and causing further harm.

It is also important to regularly clean your oven and avoid leaving flammable materials in or near it to minimize the risk of a fire starting in the first place. Remember to always prioritize safety and take immediate action in the event of a fire in your oven.

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