How To Keep House Warm Without Central Heat

As someone who lives in a home without central heat, I’ve learned a thing or two about how to keep warm when the temperature drops. From using curtains to insulate windows to sealing air leaks, there are many ways to stay cozy without central heat. In this article, I’ll share my top tips for how to Keep House Warm Without Central Heat.

Ways to Stay Warm this Winter without Central Heat

So let us find out some of the best ways through which we can keep our house warm without central heat.

  1. Use Curtains or Blinds to Insulate Windows

One of the simplest ways to keep your house warm without central heat is to use curtains or blinds to insulate windows. This can help prevent heat loss and keep cold air out. Look for curtains or blinds made from heavy materials, such as wool or velvet, and make sure they cover the entire window. You can also use insulated curtains or blinds, which are designed specifically to keep out the cold.

  1. Install Weather Stripping Around Doors and Windows

Another key way to keep your house warm without central heat is to install weather stripping around doors and windows. This can help prevent drafts and keep cold air out. Look for weather stripping made from materials such as foam, vinyl, or rubber, and make sure it’s installed snugly around the edges of doors and windows.

  1. Use Draft Stoppers to Block Cold Air from Coming In

If you have gaps under your doors, you may want to consider using draft stoppers to block cold air from coming in. Draft stoppers are typically long, narrow tubes filled with materials such as foam or sand, and they can be placed along the bottom of doors to block drafts. You can also make your own draft stopper by filling a long sock with rice or beans and placing it along the bottom of the door.

  1. Place Rugs or Carpeting on Floors

Another way to keep your house warm without central heat is to place rugs or carpeting on floors. This can help insulate the house and keep it warmer. Look for rugs or carpeting made from thick materials, such as wool, and make sure they cover as much of the floor as possible.

  1. Use a Space Heater in the Room You Are Occupying

If you’re only going to be in one room for a while, you may want to consider using a space heater to keep warm. Space heaters are portable and can be moved from room to room as needed. Look for space heaters with safety features, such as automatic shut-off switches, and make sure you follow all manufacturer instructions when using them.

  1. Use a Fireplace or Wood Stove for Supplemental Heat

If you have a fireplace or wood stove, you can use them for supplemental heat. Burning wood can produce a lot of heat, and it’s a renewable resource, making it an eco-friendly choice. Make sure you have your chimney inspected and cleaned regularly, and follow all safety guidelines when using your fireplace or wood stove.

  1. Seal Any Air Leaks Around Outlets, Vents, and Pipes

Air leaks around outlets, vents, and pipes can be a major source of heat loss in a house without central heat. Use caulking or foam sealant to seal any gaps or cracks around these areas.

  1. Install Insulation in the Attic and Walls

Another way to keep your house warm without central heat is to install insulation in the attic and walls. This can help prevent heat loss and keep the house warmer. Look for insulation made from eco-friendly materials, such as recycled denim, and make sure it’s installed properly.

  1. Use a Programmable Thermostat

If you have a heating system other than central heat, such as a wall-mounted heater, you can use a programmable thermostat to set the temperature lower when you’re away from home. This can help save energy and keep your house warm when you’re there.

  1. Use Ceiling Fans to Circulate Warm Air

Ceiling fans can be used to circulate warm air throughout the room. Most ceiling fans have a switch that can be used to reverse the direction of the blades. In the winter, make sure the blades are rotating clockwise, which will push warm air down from the ceiling and into the room.

  1. Use Hot Water Bottles or Heated Blankets

If you’re feeling chilly, you can use hot water bottles or heated blankets to keep warm. Hot water bottles can be filled with hot water and placed under blankets or clothing to provide warmth, while heated blankets can be plugged in and used to warm up in bed or on the couch.

  1. Wear Warm Clothing and Use Blankets or Throws

Another simple way to keep warm without central heat is to wear warm clothing and use blankets or throws. Look for clothing made from materials such as wool or fleece, and keep a pile of blankets or throws handy for snuggling up in.

  1. Cook and Bake to Add Heat to the House

Cooking and baking can also help add heat to the house. When you cook or bake, the oven or stove can generate a lot of heat, which can help warm up the house. Plus, the added bonus is that you get to enjoy delicious, home-cooked meals and baked goods.

  1. Use a Humidifier to Add Moisture to the Air

Adding moisture to the air can also help make the house feel warmer. Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air, which can help prevent dry skin, scratchy throats, and other issues caused by dry air. Plus, humid air feels warmer than dry air, so you may be able to turn down the thermostat a bit.

  1. Close Off Rooms You’re Not Using

If you’re not using certain rooms in the house, consider closing off those rooms to reduce the amount of space that needs to be heated. Close doors and vents, and make sure any drafts are blocked.

  1. Keep Doors Closed to Prevent Heat Loss

Make sure you keep doors closed as much as possible to prevent heat loss. This includes interior doors as well as exterior doors. Keeping doors closed helps keep warm air in and cold air out.

  1. Use Reflective Window Film

Reflective window film can also be used to help trap heat inside. This type of film is designed to reflect heat back into the house, rather than allowing it to escape through the windows. It can be applied to the inside of windows and is easy to install.

  1. Use an Electric Blanket

An electric blanket can also be used to stay warm while sitting or relaxing. Simply plug in the blanket and use it to warm up while watching TV or reading a book.

  1. Use Draft Dodgers

Draft dodgers are another way to block drafts coming in through windows. These long, narrow tubes can be filled with materials such as foam or sand and placed along the bottom of windows to block drafts.

Adding supplemental heat to a house without central heat can seem daunting, but with a few simple tricks and some creativity, it’s possible to keep your home warm and cozy all winter long. By using curtains, weather stripping, and other insulation techniques, you can reduce heat loss and keep warm air inside. Additionally, using hot water bottles, wearing warm clothing, and using blankets or throws can help keep you comfortable without needing to turn up the thermostat.

Investing in a space heater or two can also be a good option if you need a little extra warmth. Look for energy-efficient models and use them in rooms where you spend the most time. Just be sure to follow safety guidelines and keep them away from flammable materials.

Lastly, it’s important to remember that keeping your home warm without central heat is a process. It may take some trial and error to figure out what works best for your space and your needs. But with a little effort and some creativity, you can create a warm and inviting environment that you’ll love spending time in all winter long.


Keeping your house warm without central heat is not only possible, but it can also be a fun and creative process. By using insulation techniques, natural insulators, and supplemental heat sources, you can create a warm and cozy home that you’ll love spending time in. Remember to dress warmly, use blankets or throws, and enjoy home-cooked meals to keep yourself comfortable. With these tips, you’ll be able to keep your home warm and inviting all winter long.

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